Long Overdued : December 07 happenings
YF Camp, 3rd-7th Dec
*when the going gets tough, the tough gets going :)make way for...... the bus. HAHA
my bed bunkers, miss those night stories and also irritating both of u! till u'r force to layan me! muahahhahaha! =P XOXO
& the teammates.
worst nightmare!
CC's Christmas Party, 9th Dec
*kids.. haha!
Me's Birthday, 13th Dec
* where all the men weren't around. meaning bros & dad. it was cool tho! heheheeeee
*under construction. coming soon.*
Caroling, 15 & 16th Dec
*smile & singstupid kf covered me lah..yiesh
*abit more to come...
Vietnam trip, 19th-23rd Dec
*which then i missed YFchristmas party. And experience culture shock, hahaah!Beautifullll hehehehhe
where we got tipu!
Basically, we went sight seeing lah. HAHA!
To kill for! 'pho bo'-beef noodles! sooooooooooo yummylicious, esp the one near my hotel.
*slurppppppppppppp slurp slurpp*
the beautiful HaLong Bay. that's junk's-old boats. btw. when my mom said see those junks, i like where got la.. faint
FLOATING HOUSES! very cool ya know, ppl have their weddings and studies on those houses! HAHA!
the sand was soooooo smoothh! & the water so cooling!
guess wht! those are stone dogs, believed to guard the ancient people.
the cool woman, standing beside my dad. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
the park,err, temple? which had beautifuful scenery
Bobby Chin! He's famous, if U watch discovery travel & Living =P
Roadside food just rock there yO!
mouth watering desserts, superrr sweet! yums
The famous Vietnam coffee shop.
Bye Vietnam, Hello Malaysia. ............ AGAIN! =P
FCC Christmas Service, 25th Dec
*where i woke up late, & forgot something too HAHA!oOoooOO ahhhHhhHH oOOOOoo. Christmas mime for 2007
the girls aH!
i'm almost done here! entertained? not boring lerhhh.. HAHAH cheyh! ok,
B Y E ! c u soon again.LOL
took me a week to almost finish n post. fuyoo