Tuesday, September 2, 2008

sing it out aloud

merdeka merdeka merdeka merdeka...
so how did u spend Malaysia's 51st independence day?
\eat, sleep, wait for fireworks etc etc?

me: i had a night @ the museum once again

it was awesome-fied. but not as awesome as last years. anyhows, i made new friends, i have many many new games :D
the night. suppose to be watching sepet. i basically explained the whole show to my faithful one who sited beside me throughout the whole movie, ESTHER! then came the whole group of ppl, who brought more excitement. LOLmorning. body jam to warm one up
gaming time. amazing museum HAHA!
one of the interesting game
and another
first team to complete all task. and got no.3 Ha

merdeka grafitti. expressing our inner self ;)
time to head home. see you next year.
new ones. yvonne,joann,sabrina.

more to come.. IM WAITING for it the reach my hands

p/s : thanks to all who came. i bet some of u had a great time, mayb all? HAHHAAH!

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