all smiles
A simply magical evening with Kylie Kwong
FOOD. I love love love love the beef one and the tong yuan(so fine). Slurpsssssssssssssssss.. THE FOOD was just so heavenly la, yumssss! its quite same but not the same.get wht i mean? heh.. We had Q&A session, and ME!ME ME, was the first to ask the quest infront of all the eyessssss.. scary. BUT.. haha I conquered! +P
Then it led to a great night just getting to know the others and meet and greet session.
One of my favorites!
This too.
Meet and greet session :D
Serena C. hostess of the event. =)
There's still a pic. taken so nicely. too bad. have to scan it. heheh
It ended off so sweetly. HAHA! Wonderful WONDERFUL night indeed.
Something I’ll remember for a life time.
“Love people . Love food . Love trying out new things”
One day, you’ll see me . . . *winks
woah, u fortunate girl!! =D so learnt how to cook anything new for us?? Gehehehehehe =P
hahahahahaha, errrr. think so. hehehhehehehheeeeeee, come be my helper, ill set up dinner. LOLS!
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