truly an experience
Dear fellow BRATs,
Wanna thank you for every single moment spent. Truly appreciate it ;) it will always stay with me! XO
Love, Claire.
Well, to start off, I really had an AWESOME time in penang! :D I shud also thank Tan Calson for constantly reminding me to submit the essay :P Though I think that its really by prayer & God’s blessings that I got accepted, cause I only got to knew of my acceptance only a week before the camp, tht explains why the others had knew each other before hand.
Snapping away, Interviews, being criticized, Workshops, Late nights etc..
From my point of view, i got to learn so much from this, I ber everyone did too! :D I din know taking a pic would involve so many things to be considered into :S there’s so many types of essays. Because I was the photographer, I din had the chance to interview many ppl, therefore I did the videos instead. Interviewing people only sounds FUN, but it’ll all come crashing down once we stumble on our words, tht’s wht I learned. well, I shall just stick to my cooking/baking :P We’ve got closer as a team, all the up&downs. Worrying sick, sneaking out.. oh, it was all worth it. the fact tht my whole left cheek was bengkak, made it even more memorable. but just not the pics >=)
Friends that were made there will remain! Now, I got friends from all over M’sia :P hehehehe.. next time I can come crashing @ your places. Lolls! They are one bunch of crazy people, just like me! I think no wonder we click so well HAHAHAHAH!!!!! Cant wait till we all meet up again, n share our lives stories. I know mine’s going to be a 180degrees turn, once I step into college. Very anticipating
BRATS = Bright Roving Annoying Teens
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