forget the past, cherish the present :)
Today, i thot its gonna been yet another gloomy & boring day! hehe, cause many wont be coming to skewl. but NoPe! it turn out all good with the great company of friendsS around me.. firstly it started out by doing our kerja kayu, mine is yet to be done. much more till ill be able to hand up, boo mee.. =( cause according to the others, mines much more complicated. =P i dun like being the same as others. =P
After than all those...i shall be talking bout *forget the past,cherish the present*.. wht makes me talking n thinking about tht is when i look upon all the pictures with my friends, its just a reminder tht friends,are one of the most important things in one's life! =)
welL, the story started out frm F1(form one) *past,2005* there's this girls name (khai lin,shu mei,sara)they & another well named (claire,amanda & joee)us. well, this is called plastics in movies, haha! but we're not,okay! so so, i forget how we got in to a huge fight n all. but yeah i remembered one day during PJ time we were quite upset & we used marker to write their names on the wall of the pondok *our fav b4 skewl hang out place* well well, so for all i know. they dragged '' to the pondok to see the writings. bahs us! & the next day during her period, she din teach cause have to settle this prob of us, i think la. oh n we were already quite scared la.. =P i know la i know la, buat salah nanti makan cili juga or something like tht. HAHA! well the so smart us, was already scared to death when '' called us out.. blehh. we din quite tell the truth till after some time everything started to come out like a shooting bullet! =P ergh, and after we had to bring tiner to skewl to clean the thing yada yada..
& after tht, we like din like each others quite but yeah we knew we cant push it too far again..err.. we din quite talk to each other much then but yeah we did talked. n i knew this wouldnt go for long. have to forgive & forget.. =P & yeah la, we got along with shu mei but not sara n khai lin.. bah! so then after long long months, they dunno la, somehow like sara all alone. n yeah, i was like why not we call her in.. haha! so then yeah, when it was after mid of the year, she chilled & hanged out with us.. enjoying the time spent with u girls!
OMG! so fat! ewwww.. like shit! haha! =P
we were already quite insane la! hehe..
F1 has come n gone. F2 *past,2006* is finally here.. well haha, somehow i enjoyed this year heaps! hahaha. remembered amanda n her 1st bf. haha! whoops too much info. so yeah, i sat with jo n amanda & sara sat together... well, this year was rather funny somehow. enjoyed n loved it to the max! well, here, i for sure did do my part. haha! n yeah, i went to their place to joke with shu mei. n well, with khai lin, she sat right infront of me for exams. so well, we talked but nah wasnt tht close. =Owith thong thong! =)
the clan..once hate but now LOVE!
* united we stand, divided we fall *
with anushaa & shu mei!!
the ones i see everyday :)
F3 *present* heheheh.. well, hahah, errrr.. i didn noe but yeah we got along quite close. we were talking more n more n more! we talked bout shops,clothes,boys & everthing a girl would talk about la.. errr, some how rather.. haha, it felt great tht, but when always hagging out with her i always used to think back on how we can be such good friends after tht incident,i normally have doubts, but no longer. =P like i knew God has plans for me n u n of course us la.. ahah we celebrated her b'day together n all. cool la! im thankful n at the same time greatfuL! yeah so, im just wondering like how can this day happen without the help of err, haha. our dearest missy ng & of course not forgetting the One above ;) here i am, to leave u with pictures! enjoY!missy ngg!=P wondeful F1 science teacher! though didnt teach me in F2 but oh well,i had FUN! *hari terbuka 2006*
my wonderfuL ketua biri-biri! taught & am still learning things i didnt know. =)
AND* deliciaaaaaa! crazy,nonsense,great,different etc kind of a friend! am enjoyin ur company & friendship! * hugsssss!
* * * * * *khai lin's 15th birthday!
cheeky monkeys!
i always wonder. how God can be so amazing to put the puzzle pieces back together. =)
appreciate & enjoy the moments with u! =)
* T O D A Y ! *sara..thong! i enjoy the company u'r giving to me! =)
zhen weii, joker of the class..
as u can see, im quite err, sesated.. =P
this time with AMANDA! =P
yet again, no words can explain. im happy to have both of them!
i din realized. im with the 3 of used to be enemies! we surely can love our enemies!! =)
ill always remember the times we spent! =) hugs.
* & i will always be wondering for the plans tht God is going to install for me! * smiles, Jesus loves u!
-i think ur satisfied now aint? hahah. * omg! do u realized the difference? cause i do! haha! * so many least im good enough to put pics, if not u'll be dozing off by now! =P love u all! XOXO
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